Thursday, 15 July 2010

Happy 15th birthday ORIGIN

Today marks fifteen years since the inception of origin product design. 
Where has the time gone?
Through the many trials and tribulations during the past decade and a half we have consistently produced some brilliant work, innovative solutions and practical outcomes. We would like to thank our clients, suppliers, team members and everyone connected with origin. Here's to the next celebration.
To find out what that might be, come back or subscribe to our origin blog…

origin - a fifteen year history in brief

Of course there is a lot more to tell, and if you would like to know more or need to get a design idea off the ground - give us a call on 01487 824670
July 95 - origin initiated sharing an office in Histon. Had to beg bank for a start loan, to buy computer, plotter, fax, phone and desk – No going back now!
July 99 - Jim starts. Had worked with Jim previously at Isoworth and Camtech
October 99 - move to Causeway Road Broughton. Initially the intention was to work from a studio at home previously used by a graphic designer but origin outgrew it before we moved in – nice house though.
June 2001 - Ralph starts for a ‘year-out’ in industry from his degree.
May 2002 - buy our first Rapid Prototype machine. Building of extension to design office and meeting room.
April 2003 - Richard starts bringing extensive experience of medical devices and telecoms.
June 2003 - Ralph accepts full time position following graduation.
July 2005 - Origin 10th anniversary bash. Ouch!
October 2006 - Tom starts fresh from Loughborough University.
December 2006 - Buy 3 axis CNC mill, which stood mostly idle for the first year until Neil joined and learned how to use it.
January 2007 - Jeannie starts. Took the first 3 months to get through and re-organise the previous 12 years of paperwork. Buy Objet RP machine.
March 2007 - Neil starts bringing new industrial design skills to the team.
April 2008 - Start work on new workshops and lab.
December 2008 - start work on the Cobra!
March 2009 - move of workshops completed thanks mainly to Jim.
April 2009 - start conversion of old workshops into extended office space and bigger meeting room.
April 2009 - James joins origin and brings science to our creativity.
June 2009 - Ed starts. Another Loughborough graduate who has brought a new perspective to our nights out!
December 2009 - celebration in Edinburgh after achieving record year. 
May 2010 - Jon starts full time after 2 stints of contracts with us.
July 2010 - Richard Mensah starts…


Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Allen takes origin into the air

After 18 exciting  hours of flying time Allen ‘just’ managed to complete his first solo circuit. Only another 27 to go, including; navigating, cross country missions, landings at a variety of airfields. Not to mention five theory exams including air law, meteorology, flight planning and performance, navigation and radio communications. 

Against all the odds Allen managed to pass the CAA class 2 flying medical! Next steps are build on the solo hours and smooth out the landings which are far short of perfect but as Allen's teacher says “any landing that you walk away from is a good landing” If the helicopter skids could talk, they may have a different opinion…and the ultimate realistic goal after gaining a license for the Robinson R22 is to advance to an R44 (4 seater) licence which requires a bit more training.  Watch this airspace!