Of course there is a lot more to tell, and if you would like to know more or need to get a design idea off the ground - give us a call on 01487 824670
July 95 - origin initiated sharing an office in Histon. Had to beg bank for a start loan, to buy computer, plotter, fax, phone and desk – No going back now!
July 99 - Jim starts. Had worked with Jim previously at Isoworth and Camtech
October 99 - move to Causeway Road Broughton. Initially the intention was to work from a studio at home previously used by a graphic designer but origin outgrew it before we moved in – nice house though.
June 2001 - Ralph starts for a ‘year-out’ in industry from his degree.
May 2002 - buy our first Rapid Prototype machine. Building of extension to design office and meeting room.
April 2003 - Richard starts bringing extensive experience of medical devices and telecoms.
June 2003 - Ralph accepts full time position following graduation.
July 2005 - Origin 10th anniversary bash. Ouch!
October 2006 - Tom starts fresh from Loughborough University.
December 2006 - Buy 3 axis CNC mill, which stood mostly idle for the first year until Neil joined and learned how to use it.
January 2007 - Jeannie starts. Took the first 3 months to get through and re-organise the previous 12 years of paperwork. Buy Objet RP machine.
March 2007 - Neil starts bringing new industrial design skills to the team.
April 2008 - Start work on new workshops and lab.
December 2008 - start work on the Cobra!
March 2009 - move of workshops completed thanks mainly to Jim.
April 2009 - start conversion of old workshops into extended office space and bigger meeting room.
April 2009 - James joins origin and brings science to our creativity.
June 2009 - Ed starts. Another Loughborough graduate who has brought a new perspective to our nights out!
December 2009 - celebration in Edinburgh after achieving record year.
May 2010 - Jon starts full time after 2 stints of contracts with us.
July 2010 - Richard Mensah starts…