Tuesday 26 June 2012

Origin’s Adam Stops is published internationally

While in his previous position as a post-doctoral researcher at iMBE, University of Leeds, Adam developed a new technique to model human cartilage.  The work has recently been published in a top international journal.  Simply, the work was interested in understanding how the two constituents of cartilage, the porous, foam-like collagen structure and the interstitial fluid that flows between the collagen structure, interact to provide time-dependent properties. 

Understanding this interaction has been an important pursuit for researchers for over 60 years, as it is this interaction that defines how well our joints work, how they degrade and degenerate, and ultimately, how likely we are to develop osteoarthritis.  Adam’s work developed an alternative technique to measure and represent this important interaction, and subsequently, demonstrated how this technique could advance current whole-body computer simulations. 

For the full article please visit Science Direct